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Email Forwarding
You are now on the page dedicated to our email forwarding service. After reading this page till the end you will know how it works for your letters to be delivered to the ladies. We understand that not every one of you can be as patient as to read this text till the end, so...
We offer you one passage about each stage of the email forwarding service, and then you can choose whether you need to know more and read more. At the end of every passage you will see a link that opens the rest of the text to you.
So, let's get started
Flirtingis one more variant of your communication with women at our web-site. Flirting is an image-message which you can send as a sign of your affection or, if it is your first attempt to contact a lady, a sign that you like her and want to start communicating with her. A lady can also send an image-message as her reply to you.
InquryIt would be good thing to send an Inquiry for initial contact. Inquiry is a short standard message of interest you send to a lady you are interested in. What is the difference between an Inquiry and an ordinary letter? First of all, Inquiry is cheaper than a letter; but what an Inquiry does is it only attracts the girl's attention to your profile; when viewing your profile the girl already knows that you are interested. When you get a positive reply from the girl, you can then send her a detailed letter about you. Read more about system of Inquiries...
Inquiry is a much smaller monetary risk for you than a letter - you will only lose 0.25 of a POINT per Inquiry. You may send this Inquiry to as many women as you like and you will know that all the women that do respond have seen your profile and photo (if you have one in the profile) and sincerely interested! Lady's reply - yes or no - is FREE!
To send an Inquiry you should just click on the INQUIRY button on the lady's page. The woman's agency receives a standard note with request to show your profile and photo in the catalog to the girl and then inform us whether the woman is interested in you. Within a week you should receive a reply from the lady. If it is positive - you may then write her a detailed e-mail about yourself (see our e-mail forwarding details). YOU WILL ALREADY KNOW THAT SHE IS INTERESTED.
Please remember that to write to the woman and read her replies will cost you the usual 1 POINT per e-mail - see in details how email forwarding system works. If the lady is not interested and does not reply to your inquiry, YOU ONLY LOSE THE INQUIRY COST (which is ONLY 0.25 POINTs!) not the full 1 POINT if you would have sent an e-mail.
Please Note: It is impossible to send an inquiry if the lady has already sent you an e-mail or you have written to her before. Also, you should have your ad published in the Gentlemen's Catalog to use the INQUIRY option - so the lady could review it before deciding on whether to reply to your Inquiry.
Letter forwardingor also called email forwarding is what you need the most. Why? First of all, through letters you will be able to establish serious contact with the girls from our Ukraine girls catalog, get to know each other, tell about your character, dreams and desires, discuss problems that worry you, and finally agree about personal meeting. What you need is to exchange letters fast, but correspondence by post will take a lot of time. How can you exchange letters quickly with a girl who doesn't have a computer at home, thus doesn't know how to use Internet, and doesn't speak English enough to express herself? Here we come to the conclusion that you DO need our letter forwarding services. We also offer photo-forwarding services to our male and female clients. If you are interested to know how it works in real, read further...
How to send a letter to the woman you likeIf you are interested in a lady who hasn't written you before - simply send her a message from the girl's personal page at 1st-Ukraine-bride by clicking on the "E-mail me now" button next to the lady's photo. The same applies if a woman has written you already, though in the latter case you can write a girl back replying to her letter in your Mailbox at 1-st Ukraine Bride.
How to read a letter from a womanWhen a Ukraine woman sends you an e-mail through local marriage agency, whether it is her reply to your message or if she writes to you first - the letter arrives in your 1st-Ukraine-bride Inbox on the site and the server automatically sends you a notification to the e-mail address you used when you registered (*you can choose whether you want to get such notifications; **make sure you have correct e-mail address in your profile; ***make sure your email filters are adjusted properly so our messages do not get to your bulk or junk mail folders). You may at this point go to your mailbox on 1st-Ukraine-bride where you may see a listing of all your incoming messages. The girl's thumbnail photo and short data will accompany each e-mail for your convenience and by clicking on the thumbnail you may view woman's detailed profile. You may then choose whether to open her letter or not (for which you will be charged if you do: 0.25 of a POINT if it is the first, introductory letter from a Ukraine woman, 1 POINT if it is woman's reply to your message). You are not charged for letters you do not open. You may also delete all messages that are of no interest for you. Messages that are 60 days old are deleted from your inbox at 1st-Ukraine-bride automatically. If you do open a message and decide to reply, you may do this simply by clicking the "reply" button.
What happens with the letter after you send itWhen you send your letter to a chosen Ukraine bride your e-mail message is received in our office in the woman's native city. Local marriage agency interpreters translate your message into girl's native language (Ukraine, Ukrainian, or other) and the office-manager informs the woman that a message is waiting for her. If it is the first time you contact the lady, together with your letter she receives your information and photo you have in your profile in Gentlemen Catalog. When the woman receives your message - women usually prefer to come to the marriage agency office to pick their letters up - she is able to write a response immediately in the office if she prefers, or she may think it over at home and then bring her reply to the agency to translate and forward to you. Since we are affiliated with many local marriage agencies in Ukraine the majority of Ukraine women and girls from Ukraine whose profiles you can see on our web-site are from cities where the agency is situated, so your Ukraine woman receives your letter much quicker than if you sent it by post. The woman will be able to understand you better as she receives your letter in her native language, Ukraine in most cases, and may reply to you through us also in her native language as well, and her letter will arrive to you translated into English by our qualified interpreters. We try to provide the women with the processed letters within 24 hours; however, we are not responsible for the amount of time it takes her to pick up your letter and reply back to you. But our statistic shows that most letters are replied within 1-2 weeks. In any case, using our e-mail forwarding service will save you months of time in communicating with the women on our website, though our clients can buy postal addresses of Ukraine women as well.
Why so many women write you firstIt is the standard procedure for both men and women at the beginning of correspondence to list a brief description of themselves either in an online catalog or on a website, and then write a personable, but rather general "letter of introduction" where they describe themselves, their character, hobbies and interests, their life in some detail, what they are looking for in a mate, etc. The men and women both address these letters to each person they are sending it to and they personalize them to a small degree, but they are general letters, in which both men and women are trying to give more information about them than is listed in the brief paragraph in their posting. The only objectives of introductory letters are to show potential interest in a person to whom this letter is addressed and tell more about oneself. Men send copies of their introductory letters to many Ukraine women, and women send copies of their introductory letters to many foreign men. Once both people have a better idea of who they are dealing with, then they can decide to begin personal correspondence. If you have your ad published in the Gentlemen's Catalog you will certainly get letters from Ukraine women and Ukrainian girls who liked you and decided to initiate correspondence with you. If you receive such "introductory letter" from a Ukraine woman - it is her way of showing interest in you. The price for reading the first letter from a lady is lower than for a usual letter as we do not have to translate this letter many times, it is translated only once and then sent to men a girl chooses in the catalog. The service of introduction (as well as all other services in our agency) is free for Ukraine girls.
Photo-forwarding serviceYou may also use our photo forwarding service option to exchange additional photos. Often our customers prefer to see additional photos of the women they are interested in (these are in addition to the photos we provide on our site of course) which will give you more information about the girl of your interest. You may be interested in seeing her family, friends, and herself in her natural surroundings. She will no doubt be just as eager to learn more about you, and exchanging pictures is a good way to really get to know more of each other. If you are serious about your relationship and your intentions, you should keep in mind that exchanging letters and photos is the only way to get to know each other before you two actually meet, so you should exchange as much information about each other as possible to make certain that your relationship can work. If you send us any photos to attach to your e-mail - the woman receives them printed up along with your letter. If she wants to send you more pictures of herself, you receive a standard note from us asking whether you are ready to pay for scanning and forwarding of the photos the girl has for you. If you agree to these charges, you will receive the photos/messages at your e-mail address and POINT(s) will be deducted from your account.
What does it cost you?
First of all, prices for our services are given in POINTs - conventional units you add to your account with Why do we use POINTs? Because it is more convenient to offer different discounts for our customers. First of all, the more POINTs you buy, the cheaper each one will be for you (consult the price-list). Then, there are Service Package BONUSES and holiday discounts. You buy POINTs from us, and then these POINTs are deducted from your account for the services you order. Thus, the costs of email forwarding are:
• Reading a letter of introduction from a girl - 0.25 of a POINT
• Sending a letter to a girl - 1 POINT
• Reading a reply from a girl - 1 POINT
• Sending an additional photo to a girl - 0.5 of a POINT
•Receiving an additional photo from a girl - 0.5 of a POINT